Achieve your goals

Accomplish big things,
by consistently doing small things,
every day.

If I had an hour to solve a problem,
I'd spend 55 minutes defining the problem,
and 5 minutes thinking about solution.

- Albert Einstein

What is Next?

Next is a universal planner and organiser that helps you define your goals, break it down into small tasks, focus on completing selected tasks, monitor progress, get reminders throughout whole journey of ideation, planning, execution and completion.

Having said that, it is really up to you what you make out of Next, it can be used for maintaining a simple to do list or a complex project.

It will also give you hints and tips on wellbeing, productivity and much more.

Write things down

Surely you’ve heard that if you want to achieve a goal, you need to write it down. Sounds a bit cliché, but it actually does work.

It is a proven neuroscience fact, that describing your goals in a written form is strongly associated with goal success, and people who write down their goals are anywhere from 1.2 to 1.4 times more likely to successfully accomplish their goals than people who don’t.

Why are deadlines important?

If you want to achieve goals, writing them down is only the first step. The next step is to identify tasks and set deadlines to meet them. The reason to-do lists and deadlines are so effective is because they make large projects or goals more manageable. This type of planning can help finish projects or achieve goals, whether short term or long term. Goal setting also helps to build intrinsic motivation.

Why is prioritisation important?

Prioritising important activities helps you focus and reduces distraction and overwhelm. When you prioritise, you allocate your time and energy to your most important work, which increases efficiency and effectiveness. Prioritising important work helps you accomplish better results in less time.


With so many things going on, it is easy to get distracted and hard to keep focus on what is important:


And many more useful tools and functions, constructed in such a way, to be there when needed, but not to clutter the view with hundreds of labels and buttons.

Some of the services and functions require monthly or yearly Premium Subscription.

Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.

- Alan Lakein

What people are saying

A clean and effective Task manager

Had been looking for a task manager with a clean UI and one which would have all the features which should be there in a good Task Manager. Had explored almost all the prominent ones but they didn’t quite fit my criteria. Finally stumbled upon this.I absolutely love the calendar view !



A clean and effective Task manager

Had been looking for a task manager with a clean UI and one which would have all the features which should be there in a good Task Manager. Had explored almost all the prominent ones but they didn’t quite fit my criteria. Finally stumbled upon this.I absolutely love the calendar view !



A clean and effective Task manager

Had been looking for a task manager with a clean UI and one which would have all the features which should be there in a good Task Manager. Had explored almost all the prominent ones but they didn’t quite fit my criteria. Finally stumbled upon this.I absolutely love the calendar view !



A clean and effective Task manager

Had been looking for a task manager with a clean UI and one which would have all the features which should be there in a good Task Manager. Had explored almost all the prominent ones but they didn’t quite fit my criteria. Finally stumbled upon this.I absolutely love the calendar view !



Premium subscription

Unlock full potential of Next with unlimited number of tasks, notes, events, payments, personal journal, powerful prioritisation, intuitive target dates and much more.

No commitment. You can cancel your subscription later, or switch between monthly and yearly cycles.

You may, at any time, terminate your membership, in which case your membership will still be valid for the subscription time you have already paid for. Our auto renewable in-app purchase subscriptions can only be cancelled using the App Store cancelation services. Subscription fees can be found in the Application. We reserve the right to change the subscription fees from time to time.

If you feel Next can help you achieving your goals but you cannot afford buying Premium subscription right now, get in touch and we will figure out something.

We are dedicated to updating and enhancing Next regularly. If you have any issues or suggestions, let us know using Feedback function within the app.

Failing to plan is planning to fail.

- Benjamin Franklin

Simply tap AppStore button below to download Next from Apple iOS App Store. Alternatively, you can scan the QR code or search in the App Store Next by Inkoda.

Next is free to try and do not have any ads.

Simply tap AppStore button below to download Next from Apple iOS App Store. Alternatively, you can scan the QR code or search in the App Store Next by Inkoda.

Next is free to try and do not have any ads.

Simply tap AppStore button below to download Next from Apple iOS App Store. Alternatively, you can scan the QR code or search in the App Store Next by Inkoda.

Next is free to try and do not have any ads.

Simply tap AppStore button below to download Next from Apple iOS App Store. Alternatively, you can scan the QR code or search in the App Store Next by Inkoda.

Next is free to try and do not have any ads.

Simply tap AppStore button below to download Next from Apple iOS App Store. Alternatively, you can scan the QR code or search in the App Store Next by Inkoda.

Next is free to try and do not have any ads.